Zeropark Ads Networks

Zeropark Ads Networks

Zeropark Ads


Zeropark is an advertising network that specializes in providing high-quality traffic for affiliate marketers. It offers a wide range of ad formats, cost models, and GEOs to help affiliates reach their target audience and maximize their ROI. With its advanced targeting options, real-time reporting, and dedicated support team, Zeropark has become a popular choice among affiliates looking for reliable and effective traffic sources.

Ad Format

Zeropark offers several ad formats, including pop-up ads, domain redirect ads, and push notification ads. Pop-up ads are displayed in a new window or tab when a user clicks on a link or visits a website. Domain redirect ads are displayed when a user types in a specific URL or visits a parked domain. Push notification ads are displayed as notifications on a user’s desktop or mobile device.

Cost Model

Zeropark offers several cost models, including CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per thousand impressions), and CPV (cost per view). Affiliates can choose the cost model that best suits their campaign goals and budget.


Zeropark offers traffic from over 150 GEOs, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, and more. Affiliates can target specific GEOs based on their campaign goals and target audience.

Payment Methods

Zeropark offers several payment methods, including PayPal, wire transfer, and Paxum. Affiliates can choose the payment method that best suits their needs and preferences.

Tools and Banners for Affiliates

Zeropark provides affiliates with a range of tools and banners to help them promote their campaigns effectively. These include landing page templates, banner ads, and tracking tools. Affiliates can also access real-time reporting and analytics to track their campaign performance and optimize their results.

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Affiliate Information

Zeropark offers a comprehensive affiliate program that provides affiliates with competitive commission rates, dedicated support, and access to a wide range of ad formats and GEOs. Affiliates can sign up for the program through the Zeropark website and start promoting their campaigns immediately.

Commission Types

Zeropark offers several commission types, including revenue share, CPA (cost per action), and hybrid models. Affiliates can choose the commission type that best suits their campaign goals and budget.


Zeropark is based in Poland but offers traffic from over 150 GEOs worldwide.

Contact Info

Affiliates can contact Zeropark’s support team through the website’s contact form or by emailing [email protected]. The company also has a dedicated FAQ section on its website that provides answers to common questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Zeropark’s FAQ section covers a range of topics, including account setup, payment options, ad formats, targeting options, and more. Affiliates can access the FAQ section through the Zeropark website.

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