Ero Advertising Ads Networks

Ero Advertising Ads Networks

Ero Advertising


Ero Advertising is a global advertising network that specializes in adult content. The network offers a variety of ad formats, cost models, and payment methods to help advertisers reach their target audience. Ero Advertising also provides tools and banners for affiliates to promote their offers and earn commissions. With a focus on transparency and quality, Ero Advertising has become a popular choice for advertisers and affiliates in the adult industry.

Ad Format

Ero Advertising offers a range of ad formats to suit different advertising needs. These include:

– Banner ads: Standard display ads in various sizes and formats.

– Pop-under ads: Ads that appear behind the main browser window.

– Interstitial ads: Full-page ads that appear between page loads.

– Video ads: Pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll video ads.

– Native ads: Ads that blend in with the content of the website.

Cost Model

Ero Advertising offers several cost models for advertisers to choose from:

– CPM (Cost per thousand impressions): Advertisers pay for every thousand impressions their ad receives.

– CPC (Cost per click): Advertisers pay for every click on their ad.

– CPA (Cost per action): Advertisers pay for a specific action, such as a sale or lead.


Ero Advertising operates in over 200 countries worldwide, making it a truly global network. Advertisers can target specific countries or regions to reach their desired audience.

Payment Methods

Ero Advertising offers several payment methods for advertisers, including:

– Wire transfer

– PayPal

– Paxum

– WebMoney

– Bitcoin

Tools and Banners for Affiliates

Ero Advertising provides affiliates with a range of tools and banners to help them promote offers and earn commissions. These include:

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– Banner ads in various sizes and formats

– Pop-under ads

– Interstitial ads

– Video ads

– Native ads

– Tracking links

– API integration

Affiliate Information

Ero Advertising offers a generous commission structure for affiliates, with rates ranging from 50% to 70% depending on the offer and traffic source. The network also provides real-time reporting and analytics to help affiliates track their performance and optimize their campaigns.

Commission Types

Ero Advertising offers several commission types for affiliates, including:

– Revenue share: Affiliates earn a percentage of the revenue generated by their referrals.

– CPA (Cost per action): Affiliates earn a fixed commission for every action taken by their referrals, such as a sale or lead.

– Hybrid: Affiliates earn a combination of revenue share and CPA commissions.


Ero Advertising is headquartered in the Netherlands but operates globally, with offices in Spain, Romania, and the United States.

Contact Info

For general inquiries, advertisers and affiliates can contact Ero Advertising via email at [email protected]. For technical support, affiliates can contact the network’s dedicated support team at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Ero Advertising a legitimate advertising network?

A: Yes, Ero Advertising is a legitimate advertising network with a strong reputation in the adult industry.

Q: What types of websites can advertise on Ero Advertising?

A: Ero Advertising accepts websites that feature adult content, including dating sites, adult entertainment sites, and adult e-commerce sites.

Q: What payment methods does Ero Advertising accept?

A: Ero Advertising accepts wire transfer, PayPal, Paxum, WebMoney, and Bitcoin.

Q: How does Ero Advertising ensure the quality of its traffic?

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A: Ero Advertising uses advanced fraud detection and prevention technology to ensure the quality of its traffic. The network also manually reviews all new affiliates and offers to ensure they meet its strict standards.

Web Links

– Ero Advertising website:

– Affiliate sign-up page:

– Advertiser sign-up page:

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